Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Life is pretty calm right now for the most part. We are getting things ready for my sister's reception in April. Alex finished up his internship today at work and will thankfully be working for them after today. I am still looking for a new job. I've had a lot of interviews... thought I had a great job, but the company when on a hiring freeze while they were waiting on my paperwork. O well... Obviously God has a different plan right now. j
I am really enjoying my time off work. I love meeting with women of all ages and talking about life. I am enjoying all the time I have to cook great meals. All the time I have to work out, hang out with my family. It's amazing, I love to clean but for the past 2 weeks I have had NO desire to clean... that's horrible.

My little rant:

I am sick of hearing these questions:

1.Aren't you excited to get pregnant soon?

Why don't you want to be pregnant?

2.When are you going to Chicago?

3.What do you want to do when you grow up?

1. I want to have children, just don't want them to come out of me. FACE IT... God did not make every woman with the desire to be pregnant. God adopted us, why can't we adopt? I love kids, when they are past the diaper stage, they can talk, and they can tell me what they want.


3. I have no idea. I want to serve the Lord in whatever He wants me to do... how's that?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The New Year

The new year is starting off with a boom.
Christmas day, we learned that we will be an aunt and uncle. Danielle and Matt are due in August. We're just really thankful that we are not the ones having the child.
Then the good news just kept rolling... New Years Eve they got engaged... but the engagement did not last long. January 10th we attended their wedding... yes that is correct a 10 day engagement.

Alex and I have learned so much since we got married... but the biggest thing is that... We were worshiping money more than we were worshiping God. Since we've been married we have not been employed full time at the same time. But through the grace of God we have been able to live,eat, and pay our bills.

We just got back from Mobilise in St. L... what a great experience! God was there BIG time. Tom Shaw... AWESOME man of God. He hit the nail on the head Saturday night. About how we look to others for approval or think that we are above others. I really got my butt handed to me that night. How much do I look at other women and think, God if I were just like her... she's so beautiful, smart, her... is amazing... Women are horrible at this and I am no different. We can never be happy with the way that God made us. We desire to be like another woman instead of being His woman.

I lost my job last week, I realized that it was totally GOD. What do I do with my life now? How am I going to bring glory to His Kingdom? I have 2 interviews this week. I am praying hard for one... or does God want me to do something different?